Human Resources
Tatweer Petroleum’s nationalization rate rose from 87% to just over 90.06% in 2022, as the Company’s total headcount decreased from one thousand and ninety-five (1,095) to one thousand and twenty (1,020).
In 2022, a total of twenty (20) Bahraini nationals were promoted to leadership or higher-level leadership positions (Supervisors, Leads, or above). Human Resources team has contracted with several training providers local and overseas to deliver tailored made training sessions for Tatweer Petroleum succession planning candidates.
In 2022, Tatweer Petroleum delivered 90,125 man-hours of training and development to its employees in the form of developmental assignments and technical, business, and HSE training. In addition, Tatweer Petroleum commenced a one-year Furas internship program in collaboration with Ministry of Labor and Tamkeen, providing learning and work experience through the provision of on-the-job training and delivering fundamental concepts of technologies, work ethics and leadership courses for fifteen (15) Bahraini fresh graduated Bachelor holders.
Tatweer Petroleum successfully achieved 2022 people goal to deliver a minimum of one unit of training to each national direct hire. The training sessions assigned to employees are part of their development goal which includes technical training, enhancing language or soft-skills, improving and expanding HSE competencies and other critical capabilities. These development goals will continue to be the source of the training plan for each respective employee. It is the continued intent of Tatweer Petroleum’s management to implement the highest priority technical, soft-skills and leadership training to fill identified competency gaps.
The Company also had the chance to lead nogaholding performance management framework “LEAP” which has been implemented across nogaholding operating companies. This framework is the approach for managing employees using performance, planned goals and objectives, measurement, feedback, and recognition to motivate employees to achieve their maximum potential. Tatweer Petroleum continued to conduct performance management workshops as needed for both employees and leaders. These workshops are utilized to educate employees on Tatweer Petroleum’s Performance Management philosophy and processes, as well as to strengthen the competencies of the Company’s leadership, as they continue to manage employee performance to ensure the ongoing improvement within Tatweer Petroleum as a performance-driven organization.