Page 34 - Tatweer AR 2022
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34 Tatweer Petroleum | Annual Report 2022
Exploration and Field Development
Tatweer Petroleum drilled a total of ten new Khuff gas wells in 2022
Tatweer Petroleum drilled a total of ten (10) new Khuff gas wells and sixty-nine (69) new oil development wells in 2022, targeting the Rubble, OST/MAG, Ahmadi, Mauddud, and Kharaib reservoirs, bringing the total number of new wells drilled since Tatweer Petroleum’s inception in 2009 to one thousand five hundred and ninety (1,590), including thirty-five (35) Khuff gas wells. In addition to the oil and Khuff gas development wells, three (3) exploration Pre-Unayzah (PU) wells were drilled during 2022, one (1) well targeting Juba (PU- 3) and two (2) wells targeting Jauff (PU-5 and PU-6).
With a focused effort to appraise discovered resources and to add hydrocarbon reserves in both onshore and offshore areas in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Exploration Department executed a number of technical and operational projects in 2022. The activities conducted were associated with the following key projects:
 Appraising and delineation of the Pre-Unayzah Gas assets
 Finding hydrocarbon resources in near-field and offshore areas
 Attracting International Oil Companies (IOCs) and foreign investment through promotional roadshows
 Continuing the collaboration with ENI following the Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement in Block 1
The highlights of the exploration projects of 2022 are as follows:
1. Pre-Unayzah Gas Production
The Pre-Unayzah Gas Appraisal Project is a key strategic project which will help support gas supply within the coming years. Two (2) Jauf wells PU-1 and BD-1 have already been completed and are currently contributing to the Company’s gas production. Three (3) additional wells were drilled in 2022.
2. Offshore Blocks and Promotional Campaign
A new exploration cycle is launched to revive the prospect and attractiveness of the exploration blocks following the completion of work on Offshore Block 1 by ENI. Tatweer Petroleum is currently planning a large-scale high definition 3D seismic survey over select areas to improve imaging of the subtle and deeper hydrocarbon traps.
3. Onshore Exploration Efforts
The Exploration Department successfully side- tracked and tested one (1) onshore exploration well Tarafi-1ST, which confirmed encouraging hydrocarbon shows in Hanifa as observed in other wells. These results lay the foundation for further scope to workover, stimulate and test a number of suspended wells to develop a better understanding of the geological and reservoir potential and extent within Hanifa Formation.
4. ENI Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA)
The EPSA with ENI in offshore block-1 completed its third year. Shamal-1 well drilling was completed as the agreement scope, and a number of geological and geophysical studies were concluded effectively. ENI has taken the decision to relinquish from Offshore Block 1 in April 2022, however, collaboration with ENI continued throughout 2022 with discussions on potential collaborations on multiple opportunities.
Field Development
Tatweer Petroleum continued to further develop the reservoirs and reduce the decline of the Bahrain Field. This was achieved by conducting many technical assessments, reservoir developments and updating the five (5) year depletion plan for each reservoir.
1. Reservoir Management and Studies
Heavy Reservoirs
 AchievedthesecondhighestmonthlyHeavy oil production in Rubble`s history (~ 900 BOPD of heavy oil).

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