Supplier Overview
Welcome to Tatweer’s supplier web pages, which provide orientation, support information and tools for prospective or registered suppliers.
Prospective Supplier
Tatweer invites prospective suppliers to complete the prospective supplier registration. To learn more about our operations, please browse the Operations pages under Our Businesses. Please note that completing the prospective supplier registration does not imply a contract, or intent to purchase goods or services from prospective suppliers by Tatweer. Note: contractors can participate in public tenders through the Bahrain Tender Board website without the need to register with Tatweer Petroleum.
Registered Supplier Account Management
To access Tatweer information and tools for registered suppliers, visit the Registered Suppliers page.
Tatweer considers it critical that suppliers keep all supplier data current. If there are any changes in your company information, such as: legal entity name, addresses, bank accounts, tax ID, legal structure, iSupplier Portal – Supplier Security Administrator, etc., please complete and submit the Registered Supplier Information Modification Form (PDF).
Bahrain Tender Board
Tatweer Petroleum tenders are publicly available in Bahrain Tender Board website. Suppliers can participate directly in all public tenders without the need to pre-register.
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